What a great Reunion! I'm reminded of a line from an old Neil Diamond song "and we wept when it was all done, for being done too soon".  And that's the way it was - it was over too soon. It should have lasted forever! It was so good to see everyone again, some for the first time in nearly half a century!  

Jim Napolitan signs Jean & Sherrie's certificates of appreciation.
Jean and Sherrie headed up an advance party to set up "Memory Lane" - a room filled with artfully displayed memorabilia.  A lot of thought and preparation went into this effort, some of which was carried over from the last reunion and added to in the years since. Jean and Sherrie - you did a wonderful job!

FRIDAY - There were a few "early comers" but most folks began arriving Friday afternoon.  The Terra Room adjacent to the swimming pool area provided the setting for the Meet & Greet. Classmates enjoyed finger foods and danced to the music of DJ Dave Roberts.  As they mingled, expressions of delight could be heard echoing throughout the room as old friends greeted one another.  Everyone was young again.
SATURDAY - Excitement began to build as volunteers helped with preparations for the grand event in the main ballroom. As the big moment arrived, classmates and guests entered the beautifully prepared ballroom to kick things off.  A fantastic buffet meal was served, followed by dancing to the sounds of Mike Black and the Stingrays - an Oklahoma based group that came with classmate Graham Pugh.  After the first set, the "Alumni Band" took stage for a few numbers. Band members consisted of SHS classmates who played back in the day and included Brent Leckie on drums and Graham Pugh (guitar) from the Class of 65; Mike Day, Class of 64 on the bass and Bob Howard, Class of 66 on guitar.  The group was well received and did a remarkable job!  The class was then addressed by Jim Napolitan, our Class President.  Following Jim's remarks, Graham Pugh presented Jean and Sherrie with certificates of appreciation for lifetime dedication to our class.  Pat Kemplin, Janet Sadar, Roseanne Graziano and Cassie Mason then took center stage to further offer their thanks to Jean and Sherrie for all of their efforts. Later, the young and vibrant Mr. Charles Bracket addressed the class with some very kind words that truly humbled your Webmaster.  Then the  band played on until it was over ..... much too soon!

SUNDAY - The Sunday breakfast added the finishing touch.  Many who attended the grand event the night before were there to exchange final farewells.  As we parted company, we knew that we would all meet again.

MONDAY - By the time Monday afternoon rolled around, there was little evidence that the Class of 65 had ever been there. The chairs and tables in the ballroom were re-arranged for another event and most of the classmates who had stayed there were gone.

Special thanks to Jean and Sherrie, our "Keepers of the Flame".  Without them, this grand event would not have happened. And to all of you that were there, it was great to see you again.  To those that couldn't be there, we'll see you at the next event!